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Financial Wars


2D Illustration


Financial Industry

Project Details
Financial Wars is an online platform that covers a range of financial topics including financial news, economic updates, cryptocurrency insights, and NFT news. They offer up-to-date information on various economic conditions and trends, aiming to help readers navigate the complexities of the financial world. The site emphasizes a disclaimer regarding the risks involved with trading and the nature of the content as educational, asserting that they assume no responsibility for individual trading results and decisions​.

Digitalifters created 2D Illustrations specifically for Financial Wars that playfully represents the concepts of 'bullish' and 'bearish' market trends. The characters are personified animals dressed in business attire, with the bull character donning a confident blue tie, exuding a bullish market optimism. The bear, in contrast, is outfitted with a pair of suspenders, symbolizing the cautious and protective stance typically associated with a bearish market perspective. Both characters give a thumbs-up, inviting trust and approachability within the financial dialogue.

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